Responsive Intranet

Svevia intranet

UX design full stack for a new social intranet developed in Sitevision aiming to create awareness among users about what is going on within the company and its core values. By making it responsive and taking a design direction to sell in the organisation, to itself so to speak, and at the same time offer necessities such as tools and functions for everyday work the project targeted to gain trust as well as building up a sense of pride of the work being performed around the daily work and what the company had accomplished.

This was a task to gather employees – workers doing dirty heavy duty work out in the field and the suits in the office – around a image of the company consisting of all the different situations taking place in the daily work. There was also a big challenge to gather many strongly autonomous divisions and departments around a common ground which obviously opened up many discussions around their differences priorities.

In the design I balanced soft and hard values. A user generated image, feed where employees shared images of their daily work was introduced and exposing measurements of NPS score, a mini poll module to continuously gather data in an easy way from users on different topics and hard core KPI´s, ranking lists of different kinds.  We wanted to tell a story including as much as possible of the different values and levels of the company.
There was also a big portion of strategic work on content level. Content owners was appointed and we created features to support them with data on how useful the information was to users och topic level together with easy to access and read data reports.


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